Taking a pregnancy test at 29 years old

Friends, I beat teen pregnancy! But what happens when you’re 29 and still feel like having an unplanned child would affect your life the same way.

Recently I’ve taken my first pregnancy test in a VERY long time. Mainly because I was single af, and careful (be safe, y’all).

But guess what? Shit happens.

At 29, the idea of being pregnant is still scary, but not in the same way as when you were 21. At this point, some of your friends are already married, and some might even have kids. So, it doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. For me personally, I’m in a good place. I have a great job, financially independent, and probably most importantly…I know better. I know the consequences of sex and have all the access to preventative measures.

I’m at the age where it kind of makes sense to have the child where as 21 felt like I had the whole world in front of me. How could I have a child under my parents’ roof with no job and student debt?

I have a friend who is a little older than myself and was around my age when she was deciding whether to keep her baby. Even though her and the Baby-Daddy (BD) were unstable, she was worried that she might not have another opportunity to be pregnant again considering her age. I was shook, because I was probably 23 while she was going through it.

Of course, I supported her and she went through with the pregnancy, and yes, her and BD ended up breaking up, and the custody and lawyers are all continued factors.

Btw, I’m not pregnant…but if I was, I don’t know if I’d be able to give up my current life. I still feel like I have so much to accomplish, but maybe I’m being selfish, or maybe I’m extremely privileged to be able to consider having a child a planned option.

What would you do?

PS. idk where you’re reading this from, but I wanted to share some resources on where you can turn to if you are struggling:

Planned Parenthood
Guide to Pregnancy

Sincerely, not your BM,


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